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TRL 1 - TRL 2 - TRL 3 - TRL 4 - TRL 5 - TRL 6 - TRL 7 - TRL 8 - TRL 9 - TRL 10





TRL EIGHT - Level 8 – System incorporated in commercial design of boat, ship or other vessel.

Technology has been proven to work in its final form under the expected conditions. In most of the cases, this level represents the end of true system development. 







SCALE - The TRL scale is a metric for describing the maturity of a technology. The acronym stands for Technology Readiness Level. The scale consists of 9 levels. Each level characterises the progress in the development of a technology, from the idea (level 1) to the full deployment of the product in the marketplace (level 9).















 Copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) 2023. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom.