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TECHNOLOGY SPREAD - The technology this consortium are looking to develop, covers LNG, ammonia, batteries and fuel cells, in the hope of finding the elusive formula that will see world shipping clean up its act. At least by crossing off some of the possibilities, we may proceed to the more practical. Notably, there is no inclusion of solar power.


The unique design of the Elizabeth Swann (impractical as it stands for commercial shipping, but adaptable) lends itself to onboard storage of large quantities of hydrogen, or ammonia, though ammonia has a list of problems to overcome in our view. Given that the ZEWT partnership appears to have been established in principle a while ago, the calls for proposals will have targeted those in the partnership. Hence, with only one or two projects being funded per call, it is conceivable that sums have been allocated for the more mature Waterborne members with deeper pockets, probably with many years of trading as a track record - so potentially barring start ups, ruling out newcomers like the Cleaner Ocean Foundation.


The European Commission is known to be conservative in awarding grants, generally reserved for those they have already done business with. Think carefully then, when it comes to spending time on making such applications, or paying green fees of €3,000 where there is literally, a mountain of paperwork attaching, making the administrative cost of building a consortium, a very risky proposition - as non-refundable effort. Time being money. As an SME, the Cleaner Ocean Foundation could never lead a bid for any of the calls and hope to be successful. But with a slight glimmer of hope, may contribute to any consortium looking to explore mass storage of hydrogen with a unique hull-form - perhaps as a 'Intellectual Property' subcontractor. All IP so generated to be shared between consortium members by way of patent licenses, where the value of protecting such know-how should not be underestimated when it comes to exploitation.






The Horizon Europe Partnership is to invest up to 3.8 billion EUR in research and innovation

Brussels, 23 June 2021

Today, the European Commission and the Waterborne Technology Platform signed a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) for a Co-Programmed Partnership under the framework of Horizon Europe. The ceremony was part of the European Research and Innovation Days.


The Partnership aims at leading and accelerating the transformation of waterborne transport (i.e. maritime transport and inland navigation) to eliminate all harmful environmental emissions (including greenhouse gas, air and water pollutants) through innovative technologies and operation. By 2030,the objective is to develop and demonstrate deployable zero-emission solutions which are applicable for all main ship types and services, to enable the achievement of zero emission waterborne transport by 2050.





The European Commission will invest up to EUR 530 million to actions within the scope of the Coprogrammed European Partnership. The Partners other than the Union (i.e. the private sector) will provide input and advice to the European Commission in order to contribute to the identification of priorities of research and innovation activities and to the definition of call topics for inclusion in the Horizon Europe Work Programmes within the scope of the Co-programmed European Partnership’s activities.

Furthermore, the Partners other than the Union will invest up to EUR 3.3 billion for the period 2021 - 2030 in research, innovation and other activities in the area of the Co-programmed European Partnership.

To achieve the objectives, the Partnership brings together the majority of the European waterborne transport sector, including the European maritime technology sector (shipyards and maritime equipment manufacturers), most of the container transport capacity worldwide, research and cluster organisations, academia, class societies, the inland navigation sector as well as associations representing the broader waterborne transport sector. 

The Chairman of the Waterborne Technology Platform, Henk Prins, said:


 “Today is a unique moment for the European waterborne transport sector, which is a strategically important sector for the EU. The Partnership will not only foster and accelerate the transition to an environmental-friendly mode of transport, in line with the European Green Deal ambitions, but it will also stimulate the green recovery of the waterborne sector. The Partnership uniquely gathers all relevant stakeholders from the waterborne transport sector, who join forces to deliver innovative solutions for the benefit of future generations. We look forward to the applications for the first round of calls for proposals, as well as mapping the state-of-play and monitoring the progress towards reaching our objectives”.

WATERBORNE TP has been set up as an industry-oriented Technology Platform to establish a continuous dialogue between all waterborne stakeholders, such as classification societies, shipbuilders, shipowners, maritime equipment manufacturers, infrastructure and service providers, universities or research institutes, and with the EU Institutions, including Member States (www.waterborne.eu). The members of Waterborne TP comprise members as well as associated members from both maritime and inland navigation countries, representing about 18 Member States. In addition, the Associations member of the Waterborne Technology Platform represent the broader waterborne sector throughout the entire EU.

Enquiries concerning how to join and become more closely involved in the “Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport” partnership or other activities of the Waterborne TP can be sent to:

Jaap Gebraad

Executive-director Waterborne TP
email: jaap.gebraad@waterborne.eu
tel: +32 493 835 62









Horizon Europe is the EU's next research and innovation programme starting in 2021, with the Green Deal


HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-07 Enabling the safe and efficient on-board storage and integration within ships of large quantities of ammonia and hydrogen fuels (ZEWT Partnership) IA to TRL 6-7 Budget € 20m Around €10m x 2 projects

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-08 Enabling the full integration of very high power fuel cells in ship design using co-generation and combined cycle solutions for increased efficiency with multiple fuels (ZEWT Partnership) RIA TRL 5 Budget €15 Around 15 projects @ €1m

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-09 CSA identifying waterborne sustainable fuel deployment scenarios (ZEWT Partnership) CSA €0.50 Around 0.51

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-10 Innovative on-board energy saving solutions (ZEWT Partnership) RIA 5 €20m Around €5m for 4 projects.

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-11 Hyper powered vessel battery charging system (ZEWT Partnership) IA TRL 6-7 Budget €14m Around 7 projects @ €2m

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-12 Assessing and preventing methane slip from LNG engines in all conditions within both existing and new vessels (ZEWT Partnership) IA Budget €7 TRL 7 Around €7 for 1 project

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-13 Digital Twin models to enable green ship operations (ZEWT Partnership) RIA TRL 5 Budget €7m Around 7 projects A@ €1m per project

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-14 Proving the feasibility of a large clean ammonia marine engine (ZEWT Partnership) IA TRL 6-7 Budget €10m Around 10 projects @ €1m per project

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-12 Controlling infection on large passenger ships (19th October Deadline) RIA Budget €8 €3-5 for 2 projects






Partnerschap Zero Emission Waterborne Transport van start

Op woensdag 23 juni ging het het Publiek Private Partnerschap Zero Emission Waterborne Transport van start. De Europese Commissie en het Waterborne Technology Platform zijn de ondertekenaars van het Partnerschap, dat bedoeld is om de energietransitie van alle vormen van transport over water te leiden en te versnellen. In 2030 moet de benodigde technologie beschikbaar zijn om in 2050 een volledige emissievrije vloot te realiseren.

Om dit doel te bereiken investeert de Europese Commissie in de komende jaren € 530M in RD&I projecten binnen het Horizon Europe programma. De deelnemers aan het partnerschap hebben invloed op de keuze van de onderwerpen in de twee jaarlijkse werkprogramma’s. In het partnerschap werken werven, toeleveranciers, reders, havens en havens en kennisinstellingen samen in het vormen van consortia en het indienen en uitvoeren van projecten. De Nederlandse deelname wordt gestimuleerd door de activiteiten van Forum Europa onder de vlag van Nederland Maritiem Land.

NMT heeft vanuit Rotterdam en het kantoor in Brussels een belangrijke rol gespeeld in het tot stand komen van het partnerschap door intensief overleg met Sea Europe, met ministeries van I&W, EZK en OC&W en met de Brusselse instanties. De Nederlandse overheid heeft een krachtige steun verleend aan de selectie van het Partnerschap. Onder leiding van voorzitter Henk Prins en Executive Director Jaap Gebraad van het Waterborne Platform, is de basis gelegd voor deze unieke samenwerking tussen de maritieme sector en de Europese Commissie die invulling moet geven aan de Europese Green Deal doelstellingen.

Harriët Slager

Marnix Krikke
+31 (0) 88 44 51 031








ZEWT - SOLAR + HYDROGEN HYBRID: Solar power is a proven means of traversing the oceans, but slowly. We aim to improve the conversion efficiency from sun and wind to propulsive thrust - using a revolutionary hull design. Wind power is also a proven technology, but again, with disadvantages. Sails cannot load-level. A rotary sail (turbine) does so by generating electricity and storing it in the latest batteries, with hydrogen hybrid potential. But do we use vertical or horizontal blades. What setup is the most efficient overall? As an experimental vessel, the design is modular, to allow bolt-on modification to the rig for ZEWT progression.



















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