ARTISTS IMPRESSION: The climate clock is ticking faster according to the IPCC Sixth Report 2022, speeding up global warming. Now a major challenge for everyone in all walks of life, to reduce carbon footprints by transitioning to renewables. The good news is that climate change is on the things to do list of just about every country in the world, not just those affected by rising oceans, desertification, loss of biodiversity, food and water shortages. We need to act now, to save all our tomorrows.


The Elizabeth Swann is hydrogen powered, using fuel cells. She also generates onboard electricity life support, storing it in batteries - making her energy autonomous as a reserve. Studies show that it is possible to travel up to 4000nm stand alone on hydrogen tanks. We are also keeping a watching brief on ammonia and methanol as fuels of the future, with favorable quotes for methanol bunkering secured, extending range between pit stops to 6,000nm, meaning it is within our grasp to travel Around The World In 80 days. That said, such notions all come to naught for commercial ZEWT operations, without hydrogen bunkering at ports and harbours. Hence, that is the real challenge. This is a test for port authorities and fleet operators all over the globe, not agreed at COP26 in Scotland, looking forward to seeing the outcomes of COP27 as they take effect, alongside COP15, Biodiversity Target 7: elimination of marine plastic. The Elizabeth Swann is a Plastic Free Boat. It's enough to make a humpback whale leap for joy. Copyright © illustration, Cleaner Ocean Foundation, all right reserved.






Copyright protection is excellent for writers and artists, protected internationally under the Berne Convention, but patents are seen by many as a waste of time for small or lone inventors. The system as it stands allows corporations to rip off inventors. As soon as you publish, the big boys will copy your idea and make your product or steal your process, and then fight you through the courts, knowing they will ruin your life in the process. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) helps them to acquire your know how free of charge.


The best example of this is Robert Kearns Vs Ford Motor Company, where they allegedly stole his intermittent windscreen wiper system. Inviting him in with the deliberate intention to analyze his work, copy and manufacture the product, to rip off the inventor, then refusing to apologise for what they did. Check out the movie: Flash of Genius and decide for yourself what the giant conglomerate did to poor Robert and his family.


Robert's mistake was to trust a large corporation. When money is at stake, there are very few occasions where big companies operate in good faith.


As a creative person, you are better off designing something using copyright to protect your work. Or, use your invention yourself, and do not let anyone know how it functions. Knowledge Transfer grants are another way governments rip off engineers and chemists. Better still, write a book, or make a film. Where your right to protection is automatic, no fees or patent lawyers.


Patent fees should be waived for small entities and applicants in person. There should be Green Patents for inventions to alleviate climate change. The State should prosecute offenders, not the individuals, save for wealthy corporations fighting each other.


Trademarks is another (almost) affordable way to protect a product, or film merchandise.












The Elizabeth Swann has much in the way of patent-able know-how, that the developers are keeping to themselves as proprietary knowledge. One such system is the self cleaning solar arrays.







In the fictional adventure series, John Storm's uncle goes missing in mysterious circumstances. The Elizabeth Swann is seen here cruising up the Amazon, the crew on their way to meet Charley Temple. Copyright © illustration, Cleaner Ocean Foundation, all right reserved.








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